Mira Interior and Deck Photos
There are two options for the cockpit. This one has the wheel near the front so the helmsman has easy access to the mast.
But the problem is that the forward wheel is in a more exposed position (and there's the downdraft off the sails to consider). So an alternative steering position is aft
In this position the genoa sheets and mainsheet are to hand
The wing forms nice protected cockpit seats. This is a wooden deep V hull boat. The round bilge boat has an identical deck arrangement
The "wings" make the Mira saloon huge, it is 2.4m, 8ft wide
The standard accommodation layout has been arranged so that a live-aboard couple can live entirely in one hull, leaving the other free for children, guests etc.
But different builder have had their own ideas. That's not a problem providing the main bulkheads and beams are not moved
This photo from up the mast of a deep V boat shows the aft end of the boat
This photo from up the mast shows the foredeck area of a round bilge boat. Note optional catwalk to bows which makes anchor handling easier