Windsong in a Hurricane
I received this letter many years ago, it just proves the power of a hurricane. Usually major damage is caused by storm surge or rain, but in this case it was just wind. The photos speak for themselves
"I enclose photos of what was left of the hulls of our Windsong after the passage of Hurricane George in Sept of last year. We had winds of two hundred miles an hour in the tornadoes off the eye wall. We were safe in our stone house with a concrete roof, but most of the island wasn't so fortunate. About 40% of the island lost their roofs and some houses just disappeared!
I had stripped the boat before so I still have everything except the two hulls. So now I have two new hulls to make! " Before Hurricane George September 1998

The hulls were chained down. The chains broke and cleats torn out of the hulls. The hulls were carried about 1/4 of a mile.